toys and gadget
wifey and i recently purchased our very 1st television set.(our early christmas gift to ourselves since our old set won't turn on anymore....thanks tita sev for the old unit. :)) a samsung flat (reviews of the brand which states that they are the best producers of screens in the market today made us decide to go with the brand.)
because of this, my toys were displaced...the toys were previously atop the old unit but now, the new unit cannot accomodate them anymore that's why they were displaced. i took the liberty of arranging them on top of the divider and took a picture of them until i find a more suitable place for them. hopefully, when we transfer to the new house, i can place them on a nice display case.( a display case where gabby cannot reach them.)
(picture summary: pix 1-wolverine, cpt.america and eric draven action figures, pix 2 (l-r)-tallgeese gundam, elite forces figure, voltron, sandrock gundam, pix 3 gabby's mr. potato head, rasta man figurine, astroboy)
last saturday, i purchased my fist g.i.joe to start my new joe collection. i bought the spirit dtc which is from the wave 1 set of the g.i. joe dtc. only a few of the wave 1 figures is available here. i will just buy all the figures available for my collection. unfortunately, i was not able to take a picture of it. i will just update this post with the pix of my new joe. (wifey allowed me to collect them. she promised to buy me another figure at month's end. can't wait for that time to buy my new figures.) together with my joe, i bought gabby two new plush toys, tom & jerry. they will join gabby's other plush toys. (will just create a post of all of gabby's plush toys one of these days.)
as promised, here are the update of the pics of my spirit joe:.jpg)
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