Tuesday, August 19, 2008

davao toy community

presenting our very own davao toy community.
photos were taken at the meet up during the amk anime event last sunday at metro avenue...thanks to bro squall for the pix.

(l-r rowil, tamtam, kaervek, me, pikot, aexstatic, the aj(seating), ralphloris, galaxy_ram,squall, m.e.n)

(same guys this time with bro deadpool taking bro squall's place)


wifey and i are celebrating our second year anniversary today. happy anniversary hon!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


got an unexpected visitor yesterday. ms.holly calica, a fullbright study tour participant two years ago, visited me here at the office yesterday. it was totally unexpected since, i never thought that after their tour here, i would see them again. it was very nice of her to visit and catch up with things after two years. to ma'am holly, it was very nice to see you again :D

Monday, August 11, 2008


we are currently having our paascu re-accrediation here in our school. this is my first experience at an accreditation and somebody from their group entered my 9 am class earlier. i got the "jitters" when the accreditor came in but, i calmly overcame the initial shock and spent the next 30 minutes or so delivering the lesson. the accreditor never got the chance to see what the students can really do because he did not stay long enough but i'm prepared with my class, so i have nothing to worry about.