Monday, February 12, 2007


we used to mimic this sound when we were playing with our robots when we were still children. this sound has been made famous by the cartoon series "transformers". everytime, the vehicles change to their robot form, they make this sound."ae-i-o-u"

this sound was so magical back then. part of its magic was wanting to see how the cartoon vehicles-robot would transform in reality.would they still make the "ae-i-o-u" sound?

a few months from now, the children of the 80's would live to see the magic of those vehicle-robots. they have already created our wildest fantasy back then...a movie, and not a cartoon movie, based on the robots. transformers the movie will be showing come july and i will be waiting to be able to see how it plays should really be something "more than meets the eye".

and before i forget, they do make the "ae-i-o-u"sound.

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