Sunday, July 20, 2008

rain and the 80's

it is raining hard as i write this entry. the weather here in davao has been very erratic as of during the day and suddenly rain clouds appear out of nowhere to drench the earth. everytime itislike this, i feel like the kid i was back in the 80's...staying at home, waiting for the rain to stop so i can be with my friends and play with them. if the rain will continue for the whole day, i would just wait for my favorite cartoon shows in the afternoon and waste my time with my toys or the television tube. these were my fond memories of childhood.

looking back, those trends are slowly coming back. the toys i grew up with are making their re-appearances and catering a new generation of kids who would long for them, just like how we longed for them when we were generation, same toys...i bet when they reach my age i'm in now, they would also have fond recollections of the days they spent playing with their toys while waiting for the rain to stop so that they can share the joy they have with their friends who also long for the rain to stop so that they can play together.

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