i've been using this site as an example for my class on website design and the last entry was still way back december of 2009. a lot has already transpired since then so i'm just going to recap events i have missed via photos.
to kick things off, i present our new bundle of joy: mico gabriel samante
(with ate gabby) |
he was born on may 20th of this year, just in time before we left for the batang pba national finals
(batang pba team) |
(regional championship trophy) |
we were not successful in our batang pba stint but we all had fun. the organizers treated us to free pba games and an ocean park tour and i finally got to greenhills.
(i got buzz & woody at greenhills to update our toy story collection) |
now, it's the start of the basketball season, i'm not into a head coaching stint now but our teams are very successful nonetheless. we are currently participating in four local tournaments. the best center sbp-passerelle, the gaisano south cup, the 1st royal mandaya cup and the dacs tournament.
(addu team a warming up @ woodridge gym) |
(addu team b) |
(mandaya cup team) |
this weekend, the mandaya cup team will be playing vs uic for the championship. god bless to us. go blue knights!