A Personal Sharing
We can never really question the Lords timing.
Things will happen.
We may initially question it but as day progress and we look back into the experience, we realize it could have been worse if it did not happen.
This is my realization after I had cholecystectomy, gall bladder removal , because of gall stones. Before the procedure I was all well or so I thought but I may have been a "walking disaster" just waiting to happen if not for my gastro attack last week. Who knows what could have happened to me in the office?, in the mall? or worse, at home? If I didn't fall ill on that fateful early morning of September 1, 2017.
My gastro attacks have recently become quite frequent as compared then. I have GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease). I'm not certain why I have it. I might have developed it with my lifestyle before getting married or acquired it genetically from my bloodlines. Whatever it is, it's a real part of me and something I lived with.
That attack on the early morning of Friday,September 1,2017, was the worst I ever had. I was literally twisting my torso to alleviate the pain while having to attend to going to the comfort room to vomit. I was also sweating profusely all the while. The pain was very remarkable that it clearly stood out from the degrees of pain I was able to endure in my previous battles with it. Helpless, I just asked JESUS to embrace me while I was experiencing everything. Perhaps with that prayer, the Lord decided that “It’s time.”
I was brought to the Emergency Room where pain reliever was administered to me. Various tests were also conducted. After a couple of hours at the emergency room, the pain was gone. I was finally discharged. I recuperated at home still reeling from the effects of that attack. What happens next will be a series of trips to the hospital for further tests. I had to ask my wife to bring me back to the emergency room that Sunday because I was still sweating profusely and the pain I was feeling on my right abdomen never went away after two days.
The day I found out about what was really ailing came that Monday after getting the ultra sound results. The doctors wanted to rule out kidney stones, so I was scheduled for ultra sound. I didn’t have kidney stones, instead I had gall stones. The doctors told me that they prefer performing surgery on me. I couldn’t believe it. I was very careful of not getting an appendectomy and here I was faced with the prospect of undergoing gall bladder surgery. I told the attending surgeon that I’ll just get back to him after I discuss my predicament with my family. Still I was in disbelief. I asked a close friend who was also a surgeon on what he can say about my diagnosis and he echoed the same recommendation as the attending surgeon, “Just have it removed.” I was in no man’s land. I slowly accepted the inevitable. I needed to go to surgery.
The following day, I went back to my attending surgeon and confirmed a schedule for my surgery. He scheduled me on a Friday. I had two-days to get ready for it. Wednesday, I got an SMS from his secretary asking if I can admit myself that afternoon. I was excited but anxious but I consented to his request. I will be operated on a day earlier than scheduled. For whatever reason that he decided to perform surgery on me earlier that scheduled still turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
The operation went smoothly, they were able to remove my gall bladder and the stones. I had three days to recover from the surgery. Recovery was a breeze as well. No complications whatsoever.
I had an acute chronic gangrenous cholecystitis all along. My gall bladder was not functioning as it should already. A blessing that it was taken out before it could infect the rest of my internal organs and cause irreversible damage. I am still blessed by the Lord.
All through those days, all I kept were positive thoughts that everything will be well. All was well indeed. Now with my gall bladder gone, I get a new chance at a more healthy lifestyle. I’m still awaiting the day that I can fully function just like before. I’m not rushing my recovery. I’m just taking everything in stride. And I’m reminded that in the Lord’s perfect timing, everything will return back to how they were before even. Without my gall bladder.
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